RALF TECH watches
76 products
RALF TECH is a human-sized company run by enthusiasts of beautiful watchmaking. Our mission is to create technically successful watches, without diktat marketing and without a spirit of belonging to a school of thought or a history already written. Moreover, RALF TECH is certainly the only watchmaking brand to, voluntarily, not have a Marketing Service!
It is because we are eager to know and experience that RALF TECH accompany many adventurers, civilians or military, known or anonymous in their quest for discovery, under water or on water, to the antipods or closer to us.
The elite units of the Commandos de la Marine Nationale, men of the intervention force of the GIGN, operators of the Special Operations Command, skippers of the Vendée Globe and the Transat Jacques Vabre, Pilotes des 24H du Mans, all, on the side of our watchmakers, participate in the development of our watches and their constant improvement. At RALF TECH experience is the law.
RALF TECH is not a brand intended for the greatest number of people. You will not find it in the department stores, watch chains, airports ... On the other hand, you will be able to discover our watches in real watchmaking specialists, in some shops at the front of the fashion and in all those for whom being different is an Art of living.
Authenticity, innovation, experience and independence ... Our values are our strength.